The art of cookery made plain and easy pdf
The art of cookery made plain and easy pdf

the art of cookery made plain and easy pdf

(There was at least one more edition in 1905 AND it has been reprinted at least once in the last 10 years.) It clearly appealed to a wide audience (not just Kentuckians!) in its originality. But the fact that it went on into at least 10 editions and over 9,000 copies sold says a lot for this little volume. Housekeeping in the Blue Grass was, at its core, a community cookbook, designed to raise funds for a cause. The entire profits of this work have been, and will continue to be, devoted to religious charity. In sending forth this new edition, we have corrected some errors, supplied defects, and added many valuable recipes, which will be found at the close of each section and in the Miscellaneous department. …Nine thousand copies have been sold, and its praises have been sung by many of the best housekeepers of the land. The 1879 also had a preface of its own, which states, in part: We only refer to it, by way of introducing our book to the appreciation of the public. It is useless to enlarge upon the last feature, especially to those who have attended Bourbon Fairs, and made visits in this and the adjoining counties. It is celebrated for the fertility of its soil, the beauty of its pastures, its flocks and blooded stock, and last, but not least, for the hospitality of its people and their table luxuries. The “Blue Grass” region of Kentucky, as is well know, is considered the garden spot of the State. Our edition includes the original 1875 preface, which we can’t NOT quote a bit of for you: Compiled and edited by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church in Paris, Kentucky, these 206 pages are packed with recipes from women (and a few men) from mostly Kentucky, but also Virginia, Arkansas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The copy is one of the 10th “new and enlarged” edition, first issued in 1879, but our actual copy is from 1881.

the art of cookery made plain and easy pdf

Housekeeping in the Blue Grass: A New and Practical Cook Book Containing Nearly a Thousand Recipes was originally published in 1875. When it comes to bread and fillings, the combinations are endless. Or, if you’re just in search of new recipe to try.

the art of cookery made plain and easy pdf

While venturing into that debate isn’t something for this post per se, it is worth mentioning that a collection like the one we have in here is just the kind of place you can do research on the history of sandwiches in American cookbooks. Or, perhaps, more accurately, some people are more open to interpretation. Of course, when talking about sandwiches, there is an inherent danger: Not everyone has the same definition of a sandwich. From the Crust to the Filling: More About Sandwiches.Celebrating the Sandwich, International Style!.Summer Dreamin’ (Of Marshmallow Sandwiches and Glorified Perfection Salad).Frosted Sandwich, Part 4: Return of the Son of Frosted Sandwich.Frosted Sandwich, Part 3: Son of Frosted Sandwich.Frosted Sandwiches, Part 2: Return of Frosted Sandwich.From the savory-frosted to the sweet-filled, there’s some surprising and not-so-surprising history among our posts. To be honest, sandwiches are quite the subject on our blog, though. Today is National Sandwich Day, which means I can’t let the day go by without saying something on the topic.

The art of cookery made plain and easy pdf