Sauro the pathless
Sauro the pathless

sauro the pathless sauro the pathless

úquétima “unspeakable, impossible to say or put into words, unpronounceable” únat “thing impossible to be or to be done” úmara “bad, ill-used, evil, sinister” ✧ VT49/15 Úlairi “Ring-wraiths, (lit.) ?Un-living, Un-summer” úcárima “hard to do, difficult” ✧ PE22/156 úcalima “dim, murky, dim, murky, *not bright” ✧ PE22/156 úfantima "not concealable" (PE17:176) also appears as úfantuma (PE17:180), indicating the existence of a variant ending - uma (possibly used to derive adjectives with a "bad" meaning compare the ending *- unqua next to - inqua, q.v.) "X-ima" may mean "apt to X" (when the ending is added to an intransitive verbal stem), as in Fírimar "mortals", literally "those apt to die" (WJ:387). Note that the stem-vowel is normally lengthened in the derivatives where - ima means "-able", though this fails to occur in cenima "visible" (q.v., but contrast hraicénima, q.v.) and also before a consonant cluster as in úfantima "not concealable" (PE17:176). Sometimes it is used to derive simple adjectives, like vanima "fair" or calima "bright" it can also take on the meaning "-able" (PE17:68), as in mátima "edible" ( mat- "eat"), nótima "countable" ( not- "count") and (with a negative prefix) úquétima "unspeakable" (from quet- "speak"). Present tense laia, past lánë, perfect alaië, future lauva. ) Exemplified in the sentence melin sé apa lanyë hé *"I love him but I do not him" (another person) (VT49:15). lanyë "I do not, am not" (etc.) (Tolkien abandoned the form lamin. With pronominal endings la- in the aorist, e.g. "I do not do whatever the context indicates"). The negation can receive tense markers and be used as a negative verb "when verb is not expressed" (VT49:13), apparently where the phrase "is not" is followed by a noun or an adjective as a predicate, or where some verb is understood, as in English "I do not" (i.e.

sauro the pathless

In another conceptual phase of Tolkien's, lá had the opposite meaning "yes" (VT42:32-33), but this idea is contradicted by both earlier and later material: usually lá is conceived as a negation. "no, not" (LA, VT45:25) According to VT42:33, lá is the stressed form, alternating with la when the negation is unstressed.

Sauro the pathless